Auto Services
OnRoute Service offers our customers dealer quality service without dealer premiums.
Complete Service
We are a full service garage servicing all makes and models, domestic’s and imports.

Certified Technicians
Our licensed, certified technicians have built a reputation in our community for reliability and transparency. We pride ourselves on advising our customers what needs to be addressed, what can be held off and will always do what we can to help save our customers hard earned money.

Auto Services
Licensed Technicians
Mufflers & Exhaust
Brakes & Tires Services
Oil Changes
Engine & Transmission
Heating & Cooling
Steering & Suspension
Glass Repair & Replacement
Batteries & Electrical
Rust Proofing

I thoroughly enjoyed my first experience at OnRoute!
Not only are Nick and Chris both knowledgeable, informative, and professional, but they are also kind and patient. They took the time to answer my questions and describe in detail each service provided. It’s more than apparent OnRoute has an in-depth understanding of all things automotive. I would highly recommend servicing your vehicle at this establishment.
Book Auto Services
Auto Sales Hours
Mon - Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed
Garage Service Hours
Mon - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
3017 St. Joseph Blvd
Orléans, Ontario K1E1E1